Problems of staffing local government and ways to solve them

  • Masilova M.G.

    M.G. Masilova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Russia. Vladivostok

  • V.E. Lobov Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Russia. Vladivostok


The article discusses the problems in the staffing of local authorities. A comparative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the personnel composition of the municipal bodies of the Russian Federation, the Far Eastern Federal District and Primorsky Territory is made  and  trends  in  the  development  of  the  personnel  situation  are  revealed,  which  are manifested in a decrease in staffing levels, high staff turnover, a shortage of municipal employees  with  the  appropriate  qualifications  in  terms  of  level  and  direction  of  professional training, and aging staff and a low share of youth in the staff. It has been established that the majority of personnel problems are caused by the prestige of the municipal service as a social institution, as well as the imperfection of personnel work in local governments. Local governments practically do not take measures to organize work with young specialists, which
leads to their dissatisfaction with almost all aspects of professional activity.In order to improve the staffing of local governments, a set of measures has been proposed, including  the  development  of  regional  and  municipal  programs  that  provide  additional
mechanisms for motivating and stimulating employees, targeted training, the formation of a talent pool from students and graduates of educational institutions, the implementation of adaptation technologies, etc. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the identification and justification of statistical and empirical data of the problems that occur in the implementation of person-
nel policies in municipalities of the Russian regions. The findings of the study can be applied by the personnel services of local self-government bodies to improve the staffing activities in general and work with young specialists in particular.
Keywords: personnel of the municipal service, staffing, local governments, young profes-